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Blood Orange /60ml

The Skin Illustrator Mekash Colors are a custom collection of liquid colors created by Emmy Award Winning makeup artist, Mike Mekash. Throughout his celebrated career, Mike has blended an array of Skin Illustrator colors, to fit his specific needs. These color combinations have evolved over the years and this collection, represents some of Mike's favorite and most often used creations. Blood Orange, Blood Yellow, Hematoma 2 and Tootzey Role.

"I love mixing colors, and when something works consistently, that’s the end goal. Through my own mixing, or with input from great artists who share their knowledge, these are my go-to colors. Blood Orange and Blood Yellow are great corrector colors, for when you find an area of your makeup which has turned that annoying blue or purple tone, and it surprises you when you're close to being done. They brings life back to the skin in a hurry. When you have only time for one more color pass but you want to add five . . . Hematoma 2 is great for that close to the surface trauma look. Tootzey Role works for all those times when you need a tone that is Carmel brown and has a bit of candy Red pop." Mike Mekash

The Mekash Colors are specifically designed for airbrushes. The colors are safe for use on the lips, skin, hair and around the eyes. The colors can be used with PAX, rubber mask grease, foam latex, gelatin, plastic and silicone appliances.

You must use Skin Illustrator Activator, Skin Illustrator Slow Activator, or 99% alcohol to activate the color pigment. Do Not use 70% alcohol, MEK, acetone, water or any other solvent.

The Skin Illustrator Liquid Colors can be used with any airbrush.

28,70 EUR

precio sin 21% IVA .

Mekash Liquids on Skin

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