Las paletas MaqPro ofrecen al artista una amplia selección de colores en un envase muy compacto. La nueva paleta de plástico es prácticamente indestructible, garantizando una larga vida útil sin temor a daños en situaciones frenéticas en el set. La tapa se puede quitar para facilitar el acceso durante la aplicación en la estación de maquillaje. Disponible en paletas de 36, 10 y 6 colores, todas con una multitud de colores útiles tanto para bases, delineadores, rubores como colores de efectos especiales. ¡Imprescindible!
The unequalled MaqPro Grande 1 palette; Contains 36 carefully selected colours from MaqPro in one palette. Made from MaqPro's traditional natural wax based formula called "Farde Créme". Highly pig...
The unequalled MaqPro Grande 2 palette; Contains 36 carefully selected colours from MaqPro in one palette. Made from MaqPro's traditional natural wax based formula called "Farde Créme". Highly pig...
The MaqPro "Light Skintone" Slim palette; Contains 10 carefully selected colours from MaqPro in one palette. Made from MaqPro's traditional natural wax based formula called "Farde Créme". Highly p...
The MaqPro "Medium Skintone" Slim palette; Contains 10 carefully selected colours from MaqPro in one palette. Made from MaqPro's traditional natural wax based formula called "Farde Créme". Highly ...
The MaqPro "Dark Skintone" Slim palette; Contains 10 carefully selected colours from MaqPro in one palette. Made from MaqPro's traditional natural wax based formula called "Farde Créme". Highly pi...
The MaqPro "FX" Slim palette; Contains 10 carefully selected colours from MaqPro in one palette. Made from MaqPro's traditional natural wax based formula called "Farde Créme". Highly pigmented col...
The MaqPro "Blush" Slim palette; Contains 10 carefully selected colours from MaqPro in one palette. Made from MaqPro's traditional natural wax based formula called "Farde Créme". Highly pigmented ...
Which can be easily mixed together if the MAKEUP MIXER is used as a binder or thinner. Why? Because it contains mainly waxes of vegetable and mineral origin.
It can be set in transparency or thickness depending on the amount of MAKEUP MIXER used, the more MAKEUP MIXER is used the more translucent the result will be on the skin.
It is 12 to 15 hours without transfer.
Perfectly waterproof once powdered with one of our powders.
It does not harm the skin because a derivative of beeswax is incorporated to make it moisturising and protect the skin from external elements.
It gives a luminous reflection thanks to its generous and intense mineral pigments which reflect the light instead of ab sorbing it like the traditional cosmetics.
Pigments dosed at a minimum of 30%.
It can be used for all makeup functions:
foundation - concealer - blush - eyeshadow - contouring and even as lipstick by the pro.
It fears neither heat nor frost and can therefore be used and stored for a very long time in all climates without losing its properties.
Ayuda para elegir
Todos nuestros productos enumerados por aplicaciones: "Lifecasting", Escultura, Moldes, Fundición, Maquillaje FX, Réplicas, Dientes y Kits de aprendizaje.
una amplia gama de materiales rígidos y flexibles para fabricar moldes de: Silicona, caucho de Poliuretano, resina de Poliuretano, Poliester, yesos especiales, etc.
Materiales flexibles y rígidos para colar en el interior de los moldes. Aqui encontrará resinas bicomponentes de poliuretano, epoxi y poliester en diferentes durezas. Así como espumas rígidas y flexibles, etc.
es un sistema de pulverización para gomas, plásticos y espumas. Ahorra tiempo y costos laborales en comparación con los métodos de aplicación manual
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