Free Form ™ Habitat ™ Flex FR Epoxy Putty es una masilla para mezclar y aplicar a mano que está certificada como resistente al fuego (E84, Clase A) y se utiliza para crear elementos de exhibición que son semirrígidos y extremadamente resistentes. Habitat ™ Flex FR no contiene solventes y no contiene COV. El tiempo de trabajo es de 90 minutos y el tiempo de manipulación es de 24 horas a temperatura ambiente 23 ° C. El epoxi curado tiene cierta flexibilidad con una excelente resistencia al impacto y a la abrasión.
Úselo con o sin Habitat ™ Folding Powder ™ - mezcle partes iguales A + B y aplique Habitat ™ Flex FR. Para espesar, agregue Folding Powder ™ en la masilla epoxi. Folding Powder ™ reduce la pegajosidad y hace que el epoxi sea más manejable. Una vez que se aplica la masilla, se puede sellar con un sello de caucho de silicona para crear patrones repetidos con detalles intrincados en una gran superficie. La superficie se puede alisar con alcohol o agua. El nuevo Habitat ™ Flex FR se adherirá al Habitat ™ Flex FR curado sin deslaminación.
Preparation – Materials should be stored and used at room temperature 23°C. This product has a limited shelf life and should be used as soon as possible. Mixing should be done in a well-ventilated area. Wear safety glasses, long sleeves and rubber gloves to minimize contamination risk. Before mixing materials, apply Folding Powder™ to work surface in a 6.3 mm layer. Powder gloves with Folding Powder™ to eliminate sticking.
Because no two applications are quite the same, a small test application to determine suitability for your project is recommended if performance of this material is in question.
Applying A Release Agent – This product is adhesive and will bond to many surfaces. Where adhesion is not desired, a thorough application of Ease Release™ 200 release agent (available from form X) is recommended.
Measuring - Free Form™ Habitat™ Flex FR comes as two parts. Dispense equal amounts of Part A and Part B. These products have a limited shelf life and should be used as soon as possible.
Mixing - This product is mixed by hand. You must wear vinyl or nitrile gloves when mixing. Without Folding Powder - measure equal amounts of A and B and stir with a flat edge, stiff paddle until all color streaks disappear (uniform color). With Folding Powder - You must wear gloves when mixing this material, wearing vinyl gloves reduces inhibition risk. First, thoroughly coat gloves with folding powder to prevent sticking. Knead parts A+B together while folding powder into mixture. The amount of powder to add depends on desired working consistency. The more powder you add, the thicker the mixture becomes. Fold mixture into itself repeatedly until desired consistency is attained (3-5 minutes or a minimum of 20 folds). For more on correct mixing technique, you can view our video;
CURING - Habitat™ Flex FR can be handled after 24 hours at room temperature. Full physical properties are reached in 7 days. In most cases, material will have a slight “tack” for up to 48 hours.
Painting – Cured Free Form™ Habitat™ Flex FR can be primed and then painted with acrylic enamel paints. Let paint fully dry before putting part into service.
Removing Uncured Free Form™ Habitat™ Flex FR - Remove as much uncured material from the surface as possible. Clean any residue with soap and water.
Optional - Use E-POX-EE KLEENER™ available from form x.
Todos nuestros productos enumerados por aplicaciones: "Lifecasting", Escultura, Moldes, Fundición, Maquillaje FX, Réplicas, Dientes y Kits de aprendizaje.
su ventanilla única para materiales de modelado en 3D
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