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HX-807™ Brushable /0,45 kg

HX-807™ Brushable Skin & Prop Latex is a pre-vulcanized, brushable latex that is suitable for coating a variety of surfaces. Perfect for making latex masks, skins and props. High viscosity allows you to control thickness in making latex castings. Add color with Fabtone™ pigments.

15,80 EUR

precio sin 21% IVA .



Keep Out of Reach of Children
Avoid use if you have known allergies to natural latex. Avoid contact with eyes. Flush eyes with water for 15 minutes and seek medical attention. Remove from skin with waterless hand cleaner followed by soap and water. Children should not use this product without adult supervision.


Do not allow HX-807™ to freeze. The material will not be usable. Store and use material at room temperature (23°C).This product has a limited shelf life and should be used as soon
as possible. Colder temperatures will slow the working/cure time, while warmer temperatures will reduce working time. Wear safety glasses, long sleeves and rubber gloves to minimize contaminationrisk. Wash thoroughly after handling. Do not eat, drink or smoke in the work area. Keep container closed when not in use.


Stir before use. Brush into a dry, unsealed gypsum mold. Stippling the first layer may help to eliminate bubbles if the mold contains complex undercuts or deep details. Brush up to 10 layers in the
mold depending on the thickness desired. Allow at least an hour between layers for dry time. Humidity and ambient temperature will also affect the drying time of latex. Allow HX-807™ to dry inthe mold for 12 hours at room temperature prior to pulling it out of the mold. Mild heat 38.7°C can be applied to accelerate the dry out process.

Before Demolding, lightly dust the inside of the casting with talc in order to prevent the dry rubber from sticking to itself. Avoid exposing the casting to oils, greases or solvents. Castings should
be stored out of direct sunlight.

CLEAN UP: Clean up wet and dry latex with soap and water.

OPTIONAL - COLORING & STIFFENING THE RUBBER Fabtone™latex colorants can be used to dye the latex while in it’s liquid state and HX-Stiffener™ can be used to make the rubber less flexible

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