Aerosol desmoldeante para P.U., epoxi, poliester, siliconas RTV, gomas y termoplásticos. Acabado mate. aerosol 340gr.
1 - Thoroughly clean your mold with a suitable cleaner to remove all traces of previous coating and oils.
2 - Apply Ease Release 300 using aerosol spray for bulk grades. Hold the can or spray gun 15 to 20 cm from the mold surface to ensure a light even coating. When the molds are new or have been blasted with an abrasive “season” the mold by applying a heavy coating of release. Heat the mold to process temperature, then wipe the excess with a rag and reapply a light coating of Ease Release 300 before regular molding.
3 - Ease Release 300 is fast drying and requires no baking during the normal molding process.
4 - Reapply a light coating before each molding.
Todos nuestros productos enumerados por aplicaciones: "Lifecasting", Escultura, Moldes, Fundición, Maquillaje FX, Réplicas, Dientes y Kits de aprendizaje.
su ventanilla única para materiales de modelado en 3D
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